myFlix is a web app, developed using the MERN stack, that provides users with access to information about movies, directors, and genres. Users are able to create an account, update their personal data, and create a list of favorite movies.
The aim of the project was to build the complete server-side and client-side application from scratch.
I created a RESTful API using Node.js and Express, that interacts with a non-relational database (MongoDB). The API can be accessed via commonly used HTTP methods like GET or POST. To retrieve and store data in the database, CRUD methods are used. The API provides movie information in JSON format.
After completing the API, I built the interface users would need to interact with the server-side. It is a single-page, responsive application, developed with React and React-Redux. It provides several interface views including a movie view, a login view, a registration view and a profile view (where users can update their user data and list of favorites). After completing the API, I built the interface users would need to interact with the server-side. It is a single-page, responsive application, developed with React and React-Redux. It provides several interface views including a movie view, a login view, a registration view and a profile view (where users can update their user data and list of favorites).
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